For over 48 years, PAREDOS, a non-profit organization, has developed partnership with International and Government agencies, the private sector, NGO’s and individuals to deliver:
- Parent Education and Support Programmes to families; and
- Early stimulation and education to children 3mths. – 4 1/2 years.
- The 1950s and 1960s in Barbados were characterized by large scale emigration forcing many parents to leave their children in the care of relatives and other unrelated guardians.
- These changes created strains for both children and guardians and this eventually spilled over into the society.
- In August 1970 a dedicated group from education, social welfare and religious sectors of the society met informally to discuss these concerns.
- It was decided that priority be given to parental education in order to assist the large number of substitute parents who were unprepared for the task of child rearing. In May 1972 PAREDOS was launched as a mass media parenting programme.
- In 1987 PAREDOS became a registered charity guided by an Executive Committee.
- The Caribbean Conference of Churches was the first organization to provide funding to PAREDOS.
- Over the past years financial support was obtained for specific projects from international agencies, Government, non-Governmental agencies, private sector and individuals.
- It is noteworthy that from 1998-2008, PAREDOS, through the Director, Mrs. Springer:
- Conducted a series of parent education programmes in eight (8) Caribbean islands and four (4) in the Netherlands Antilles.
- Motivated resource persons in the Caribbean to develop their own National Parent Education Programme.